The following includes a list of the nation's top doctors who treat mesothelioma patients, organized by state.
James W. Ballard, M.D.
Princeton Baptist Medical Center
701 Princeton Avenue SW
Birmingham, AL 35211
(205) 783-3000/3700
Dr. Robert Cameron
P. O. Box 951741
Los Angeles, California 90095-1741
(310) 794.7333
Dr. David Jablons
UCSF Mt. Zion Medical Center
2330 Post St., Suite 420
San Francisco, CA 94115
(415) 885-3882
Dr. Theirry Jahan
2356 Sutter, 7th FL
San Francisco, CA 94115
(415) 567-5581
Dr. Mark Lischner
2 Medical Plaza, Suite 100
Roseville, CA 95661
(916) 786-7498
Mark Cullen, M.D.
Yale University School of Medicine
Occupational and Environmental
135 College St., 3rd floor
New Haven, CT 06510-2483
Jack A. Elias, M.D.
Pulmonary Medicine
Yale Cancer Center
Michael Grey, M.D.
UConn Health Center
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06032
Bruce G. Haffty, M.D.
Therapeutic Radiology
Yale Cancer Center
Graeme L. Hammond, M.D.
Cardiothoracic Therapy
Yale Cancer Center
Michael Kashgarian, M.D.
Yale Cancer Center
Ronald Ponn, M.D.
Thoracic Surgeon
333 Orchard St., Suite 107
New Haven, CT 06511
Carrie A. Redlich, M.D., M.P.H.
Occupational Medicine
Yale Cancer Center
Lary A. Robinson, M.D.
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute
At The University of South Florida
12902 Magnolia Dr.
Tampa, FL 33612
John Ruckdeschel, M.D.
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center
Tampa, FL 33612-9497
Stephen C. Yang, M.D.
The Arthur B. and Patricia B. Modell Professor in Thoracic Surgery
Chief of Thoracic Surgery
Surgical Curriculum and Clerkship Director, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Director, Thoracic Oncology Program
600 N. Wolfe St., Blalock 240
Baltimore, MD 21287-5674
410-614-3891 (office)
410-614-9428 (fax)
Richard Kraiden, M.D.
Pulmonary Pathologist
Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, MA 02114
David Sugarbaker, M.D.
Dana Farber Cancer Institute & Brighams & Womens Hospital
75 Francis St.
Boston, MA 02115
New York
Manjit Bains, M.D.
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
1275 York Ave.
New York, NY 10021
Philippe A. Chihanian, M.D.
Mt. Sinai Hospital
5 East 98 St.
New York, NY 10029
(212) 241-6368
David Ilson, M.D.
Borys Mychalczak, M.D.
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
New York, NY
Dr. Valerie Rusch
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
1275 York Ave.
New York, NY 10021
(212) 639.5873
Harvey Pass, M.D.
NYU Medical Center
School of Medicine
530 First Ave.
New York, NY 10016
(212) 263-7300
Stephen Rush, M.D.
North Shore University Hospital
Manhasset, NY
Roman Perez-Soler, M.D.
New York University Kaplan Cancer Center
550 First Ave.
New York, NY 10016
(212) 263-8043
(212) 263-6485
Robert N. Taub, M.D.
Professor of Clinical Medicine, Program Director
Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital
Atchley Pavilion Room 907
161 Fort Washington Ave.
New York, NY
North Carolina
Dr. David H. Harpole, Jr.
Associate Professor of Surgery
Duke University Medical Center
DUMC Box 3617
3582 Duke Hospital South
Durham, NC 27710
(919) 684-3683
Dr. Larry Kaiser
University of Pennsylvania
4th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19104
(215) 662.7538
Rhode Island
David Ettensohn, M.D.
Pulmonary Medicine
109 Beechwood Ave.
Pawtucket, RI
David Kern, M.D.
Memorial Hospital of RI
Occupational Health Clinic
111 Brewster St.
Pawtucket, RI 02860
John Pella, M.D.
St. Joseph Hospital
Pulmonary Fatima Unit
200 High Service Ave.
North Providence, RI 02904
S.T. Sambandan, M.D.
1180 Hope St.
Bristol, RI
Anthony Testa M.D.
100 Highland Ave.
Providence, RI 02904
South Carolina
James Bradof, M.D.
Spencer McCachren, M.D.
Thompson Cancer Center
Knoxville, TN
(423) 541-1812
Department Of Clinical Investigation
University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center
1515 Holcombe Blvd., P.O. Box 39
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 792-7959
Dr. Eric Vallieres
P.O. Box 356310
1959 NE Pacific
Seattle, WA 98195-6310
(206) 543-3093
Washington, D.C.
Cesar A. Moran, M.D.
Department of the Army
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
Washington, DC 20306
Dr. Paul Sugarbaker
Sugarbaker Oncology Associates, P.C.
110 Irving St., NW
Washington, DC 20010
(202) 877-3908
Joan H. Schiller, M.D.
H. Ian Robins, M.D.
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